Quiet spaces
Domains or platforms on the internet have different cultures. As an artist, I would like to envoke a sense of wonder and curiosity in the other. I am still inexperienced with much to learn, but my work has more than once been set in quiet places, found only by those who where looking for it or who by unusual chance came upon it. I know that I would have been uncomfortable publishing them in a busy street in the centre of town, and similarily I am also uncomfortable publishing in one of the internets busy streets like instagram or even worse, facebook. In these busy streets everything is controlled, everything is manipulated, commercialized and profited upon. The audience represents the majority, and as a female, queer, indigenous person I must admit that I do not feel safe with the majority of people. My social anxiety is naturally also present in the digital landscape.
I create in quiet places. I am happy when I envoke a sense of curiosity and intimacy, and I would rather be heard by a select and forever anonymous few who truly listened, than a great mass who passed by in a rush - even if they left a thousand likes soon forgotten.