

On the background of this page, you can see some of my actual art. That piece is called Uksáhkká henter Stine Sofie; Uksáhkká is a goddess of doors in my culture, and protector of small children. Uksáhkká has had a massive influence on my life.

Uksáhkká henter Stine Sofie

But The house of Wild Water isn't about me, my cultural background or my paintings, not directly anyway. Except for this page, most art is AI generated, which is already annoying me to be honest and I will probably change it soon. However, I wanted to dive into AI generated art, as it is something a lot of people confuse with coded/algorithmic art. AI art is a product of a code, and in many cases today, the AIs are trained to mimic very real artists - essencially stealing, or effectively laundering theft.

Most of this house will not be addressing "AI-art".

This whole project is a tad chaotic and I'm not sure where I'm going with this. Most of my previous work is centered around the traditional and natural. I have worked with wood, metal, antler, with yoik, medicine plants and indigenous politics and faith. It is a big part of my identity.

Still, I am a 90s kid and can't escape the grasp of the internet; is it pure toxic? Should I go off the grid? Could it be better - certainly NeoCities represent something else than the corporations that are taking over this space. I am trying to understand it. That's all.


"Leaving" by Katarina Dorothea Isaksen