Sophisticated coded art tools
Godot - free, open source game-making engine
Hydra - live code-able video synth and coding environment
Derivative - visual programming language for real-time interactive multimedia content
Processing - software sketchbook and development tool
Open Frameworks - C++ toolkit for creative coding
Super Collider- make music through code
Vintage tools
Piskelapp- animated sprite editor and pixel art tool
Aseprite- animated sprite editor and pixel art tool
Zparklyzebbs blinkie making guide
Coders guides, networks and playgrounds
simple interactivity with jQuery
Code Pen- code preview tool and social network for coders
Jsfiddle- javascript playground
Dwitter - Javascript demos in 140 characters or less
W3 Schools- web building school
four ways to create a function in javascript
J query - a javascript library
interactjs - javascript interactivity
Tim Rodenbrökers - courses in creative coding
Doodad- breate smaller sized images by dithering them
Webgardens - webgardens tutorial, a network with open portals to sites
X3D - tool for making 3D spaces on static websites w/out Javascript
photopea - online image editon
Minnit - chatroom for Neocities
bettygraphics tiled background collection
VG resource – sprites, textures resources etc.
Indieweb- a people-focused alternative to the “corporate web

infinite hallway by Eli Prenton